Poggetti Valeria




Professor Federico Da Settimo

PhD project Title:

Development of small molecules as modulators of cell life death pathways

Abstract of the PhD project:

My research project is based on the development of small molecules with potential activity on several targets, implicated both in cancer and in neurodegenerative disorders. In particular, I am currently working on the synthesis of compounds designed to interact with Carbonic Anhydrases whose activation resulted to strengthen synapsis and to improve memory storage properties, while their inhibition resulted to be implicated in several pathologies, including cancer. My research activity is also focused on the synthesis of compounds able to bind the translocator protein (TSPO), widely recognized as a marker of neuroinflammation. SAR studies will drive the design of novel molecules featuring further structural modifications aimed to obtain, in a small number of cycles of design, synthesis and biological evaluations, compounds with optimized activity.

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