Russo Lara



Professor Maria Letizia Trincavelli and Professor Chiara Giacomelli

PhD project Title:

Molecular mechanisms of cell differentiation in physio-pathological conditions

Abstract of the PhD project:

Cell differentiation is the process in which cells acquire specific characteristics starting from a single type. Although differentiation mechanisms are already known, there is a need to obtain more knowledge about molecular pathways and how they are dysregulated in several diseases. An advancement of state of the art will be useful to approach new therapies for several diseases including cancer, neurodegenerative disease, and tissue damages. My PhD project is then focalized mainly on two aspects of cell differentiation. On one hand, the effects of metal binding to neurotrophins as a regulator mechanism of neuron differentiation. On the other hand, the evaluation of mechanotransduction process and underlying signaling pathways that orchestrate the patient-derived mesenchymal stem cell differentiation in tenocytes to improve the creation of autologous tendon graft.

Publications link:

Oral communications at conferences:

  • “Extracellular adenosine oppositely regulates the purinome machinery in glioblastoma and mesenchymal stromal cells” Annual Meeting of the Italian Purine Club, online; 4-5/2/2021.
  • “Neurotrophic activity of new BDNF peptido-mimetics: modulation by zinc binding” BioMet 2021, online, 15-16/4/2021.

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