Basso Gloria



Professor Chiara Giacomelli and Laura Marchetti

PhD project Title:

Development of in vitro models of diseases to improve the iden.fica.on of new targets and therapeu.c agents

Abstract of the PhD project:

The lack of pre-clinical models that are able to reproduce the main features of diseases is the first cause of drug development failure. For this reason, it is crucial to build up new and innovaLve pathological models to increase the possibility of success. Thus, my PhD project aims to develop in vitro cellular models starLng from standard 2D models to reproduce specific in vitro disease states. In parLcular, I hope to create degeneraLve/inflammatory disease models that can be useful for the idenLficaLon of molecular targets, and for the improvement of biochemicalpharmacological evaluaLon of drugs, new molecules and natural products.

Publications link:

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